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MD day 2022 with Vassil Lambrinov from Blaumut


For yet another year we have celebrated our MD day 2022, a playful day where we tend to put our emotional blockages aside and face the day with surprise, ingenuity and creativity. This year we have played and sung the song "Pa amb Oli i Sal" by the Blaumut group, with everyday objects such as spoons, ludo chips or staplers. It was about understanding how different instruments can create a song, and each of them can become essential when interpreting a piece of music.

The surprise was when after several rehearsals we played the piece in front of the guest, who was the component of Blaumut and founding member, Vassil Lambrinov.  

With the guest we have organized a colloquium, where very interesting topics have been emerging and that have enriched us pleasantly.

Vassil has told us how Beethoven said that talent is 3% of success, and the rest is sweat. He has explained to us how Blaumut was formed, and how chance presents you with opportunities that you have to know how to take advantage of.

Blaumut's success is what ends up forming the team, because as a result of this, they begin to look for more musicians to complete the group. 

Vassil explains that they have always had a clear vision of change, and how the opportunity makes them bring together different talents that lead them to success. People with different characters and ways of being, but who end up forming a group, which continues to be the basis of our group activity by playing the piece of music together.

Vassil also spoke to us about the importance of training with national and international talents.

At the level of audiovisual technicians, he told us how specialists prioritize, and that a technician is like one more of the group. From sound they always say that the best sound is a good light, because the scenic complement of each intervention enhances the others.

He also told us about supporting your own sector, loving the competition. And to value the magic of the moment, how with the connection with the public.


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