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Blanquerna Graduation Act - Hybrid Event

The pandemic has accelerated the hybrid format in events. One of the events that has changed its dynamics the most are the graduation events. It is an important day in the lives of the students, and families are forced to not be able to attend in person. Thanks to current technology, MD audiovisual services performs hybrid events, and has brought the event to hundreds of homes through streaming.

Hibrid Event Graduation

The students have been able to notice the warmth of these, that although in a virtual way, they have been able to interact and show their emotions. And all thanks to an excellent content management, which integrated live performance with multi cameras and steadicam, hundreds of live connections and power points, videos and so on. Three 20,000K projectors joined together to produce a spectacular panoramic image in Blending. Outside, a large LED screen supported the event, and also performed the photocall function.

“Content managment and Blending projection"

MD has also been in charge of sounding the different musical performances, in addition to the event and the entire internal route that the students took to reach the auditorium.
If you are thinking of holding a hybrid event, MD has all the audiovisual equipment, both for the face-to.face event,  and the online event. Contact us for more information!

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